An Exercise in Religion

I have always tried to read from the scriptures throughout my adult life. At some point I switched from reading cereal boxes and the newspaper (mostly the “funnies” section) to opening my scriptures as I ate breakfast. It wasn’t necessarily an extensive study, but little bite size chunks.

One common phrase I have come across is “exercise your faith”. I’ve recently seen this phrase in a new light. As a youth exercising faith was described by comparing it to standing at the threshold of a dark room. Your ability to see what’s inside doesn’t increase until you step inside. This demonstrates how faith and action are tied together. I think there is some truth to that, but now I believe there is more.

I think that example describes blind faith. There is another facet to it. To add to the analogy, assume the same situation as before, except you have been told what to expect to see when you enter. Now it is not a hope in random luck, but more like an informed decision whether to enter. You enter because you are searching for something and you expect to find what you are looking for.

The scriptural version of this would be to not just exercise faith, but to exercise faith in Jesus Christ. I probably can’t count all the ways you can do this, but I can share two examples.

The most common way to exercise faith in Jesus Christ is to repent. The promises extended to us for repenting are many, but a summary may be forgiveness, relief from guilt, and the feelings of joy that comes from feeling God”s love. Now, knowing what to expect base on others testimony, you can decide whether to give it a try (exercise faith).

Another way to exercise faith in Christ is to turn to him when the trials of life hit. Trials in this day and age are too many to count and vary so much from person to person. But this much is true, I may not be able to define it, but I promise you’ll know it when you see it. The promise here is not that He will remove our trials, but that he will share the burden and make it feel light. That is the promise. To exercise that faith to receive that blessing, you poor your heart out in prayer. Share your feelings whatever they are. Ask for his help and guidance. He will come to your side and make it easier.

These are to examples of promised results. Exercising faith should not be about blind faith or blind obedience. It’s more like the scientific method. You have been given the hypothesis, the choice is yours as to whether you will test the hypothesis. Is God real and will he hear you? Even if you have the smallest hope that it is, then exercise that faith to see for yourself.

I am so grateful for new insights and perspectives as I read the scriptures. The more I learn, the more I realize how little I know. But this much I do know, that Christ fulfills his promises. I have experienced it in my own life. I’ve put Him to the test and know He is there and is but waiting for us to ask.

References: Book of Mormon (Alma 32:21-43) (Mosiah 24:8-24) New Testiment (Matthew 11:29)

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