Guiding My Children to God

This past weekend, my wife had a brilliant idea. The kids had Friday off due to the end of the semester so she organized a long distance field trip. Early Friday morning she was on the road to Arizona. The purpose of the trip was to take the kids to see a place of worship.

My wife and I occasional take opportunities to worship at our local temple and enjoy doing so. Our children on the other hand are not yet able to attend. Attendance is restricted to individuals willing to make and keep certain commitments. They have not yet reached that stage in their life where they can make those commitments, so they haven’t been inside a temple.

This was the reason we were eager to drive the distance. Before a new temple begins being actively used, it is opened for tours to the public. The temple they visited is currently in the middle of its open house. As temples aren’t built everyday, it was a rare opportunity for us to share with our children a connection to God.

The first stop upon arriving was the temple. After the six hour trek, the kids were a little restless as you can imagine. Nevertheless, they immediately got in line for the tour. From what my wife shared with me, it could not have gone better. Everyone in the tour group was respectful which created a spirit of reverence. After the tour each of the children were asked what they thought of the temple and had the opportunity to share a little of what they felt.

As I have reflected on this quick trip, I wonder what will happen to the seeds that we tried to plant in their hearts. Each of them will eventually choose their own path, but my hope is that as they do, the memory of a peaceful moment with God will remain with them. That way they will know where to turn to when they have to face challenges of life.


Here’s a link to the Temple they visited (not sure how to include a link so I hope this works):

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